Les Notaires à Carouge are members of the following networks:

In Switzerland, the notarial practice is subject to strict legal requirements, defined at cantonal level. In this context, the notarial network called swisNot, based on impartiality, competence, dynamism and naturally on strict compliance with professional secrecy, was created on 1 January2000.
swisNot includes 18 notarial offices over 24 sites located in 13 cantons, representing almost 50 notaries and around 300 qualified collaborators.

Lexunion– International network of experts on legal and taxation matters
Lexunion includes notaries, lawyers and tax experts from 8 countries in the world, advising individuals and firms on legal and tax matters, locally and abroad.
All of them being members of regulated professions, the Lexunion experts rally around fundamental principles such as quality, the exchange of know-how and a strict observance of ethical rules.